Program Kuliah Reguler dan Program Non Reguler

Berdasarkan Ristek Dikti disebutkan Program perkuliahan reguler adalah Program reguler yang pendidikannya diselenggarakan oleh Perguruan Tinggi Negeri

"Information regarding recommendations for the best Campus/Private College (PTS) in all regions of Indonesia with various choices of classes and favorite study programs."
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6 Kampus Jakarta Pusat
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17 Kampus Jakarta Timur
6 Kampus Bandung
3 Kampus Bekasi
2 Kampus Bogor - Kota
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13 Kampus Surabaya
1 Kampus Tulungagung

Difference between Regular and Non-Regular Programs in Higher Education

Author: Regular Program
07 Mar 2021
Perbedaan Program Reguler dan Non Reguler di Perguruan Tinggi cover
Perbedaan Program Reguler dan Non Reguler di Perguruan Tinggi cover

Regular lecture program according to the explanation from Research and Technology and Higher Education, “Regular program is an educational program organized by a State University which is attended by students on a full-time basis in the study program which has obtained an operating permit from the government” which here can be interpreted as lectures in general.

What is a regular program? Regular program is a lecture program carried out by Universities, here it is meant for those of you who after graduating from high school immediately continue their education to a higher level, namely university or College. Regular programs are usually targeted by young people who have just graduated from high school, because these regular programs are usually organized by State Universities or PTN. There are many ways that people do to get them into PTN.

Actually regular programs also exist in Private Universities. Not inferior to State Universities, many Private Universities are also popular with the public. The fees also vary, some ranging from hundreds of thousands to tens of millions per semester. Parents want the best for their children, right? it is not surprising, then, that many parents dare to sacrifice or try hard so that their children can be accepted at their favorite Universities both at home and abroad.

Imagine how much it costs to take higher education abroad, surely hundreds of millions and even billions will also be used up. However, don't forget that now there are many scholarships for National and even International. Besides there are regular programs, apparently there are also non-regular programs.

EduNitas itself, PTS campuses that are already working and have regular lecture programs already exist in almost all parts of Indonesia which include: STIE IGI Jakarta, STT Muhammadiyah Cileungsi, STIE Hidayatullah, etc.

For Regions, PTS campuses that provide regular lecture programs cover the region: DKI Jakarta (West Jakarta, East Jakarta, Central Jakarta, South Jakarta), Bogor, Semarang, Bandung, Lampung, Medan, Padang, Bali, Manado, etc.

At eduNitas, regular lectures offer low fees. Starting from IDR 350,000, you have started studying, let's check the information on regular lectures public campuses that have become partners with eduNitas by clicking below.

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Regular Program

The regular program or the regular undergraduate program is one of the undergraduate programs generally owned by every university in Indonesia. These lectures regular programs classes are usually held from early morning to late afternoon. Entrance to regular programs universities there are various kinds of countries, for example from the SNMPTN / invitation route, SBMPTN, and the Independent Examination from each campus that is his target.

What distinguishes regular programs from other programs is that students have other rights that non-regular students such as BOPB and starting in 2013, Regular S1 students at several universities in Indonesia is even free of entry fees. Every undergraduate study program (S1) at all universities must have its regular program. This regular program has a study time until graduation is usually 3.5 – 5 years. The academic degrees that will be obtained are also different. Suppose I am from the Faculty of Engineering, usually they have an S.T (Bachelor of Engineering) degree.

Non-Regular Program

Non-regular programs are of course different from regular programs, non-regular programs according to Research and Technology and Higher Education are “Non-regular programs are programs education organized by State Universities which is attended by students on a part-time basis in study programs that have obtained an operating permit from the government. /afternoon class, or an extension program that transfers the D3 to S1 path etc.”

Here it is meant that non-regular programs are lectures programs that are taken part-time due to other activities outside of lectures activities.

Employee Class Lecture Program

In general, employee class is one of the non-regular programs organized by both public and private universities. This employee class class is usually divided into two lectures. Namely evening classes and Saturday - Sunday classes. Employee class usually has a more flexible time because the majority of students are workers.

Extension Lecture Program

The extension course program is an advanced program for graduates of D3 (Intermediate Expert) to S1 (Bachelor). Usually extension courses do not require lectures full-time because usually extension program students are already at work. The extension course program also has a short study time such as from high school to undergraduate, usually they only need about 2 years to pass the extension course this.


Those are some explanations of the differences between regular programs and non regular, for those of you who want to take one of the lectures programs above, it's good to discuss it first with your parents. Whatever program, major, campus you choose is meaningless without the blessing of your parents.

On eduNitas you can directly register online with various choices of lecture programs, such as the employee lecture program, the online course, and the regular lecture program. You can find it by clicking below.

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