Kuliah Online, Hal Yang Harus Diperhatikan Oleh Mahasiswa

Kuliah Online adalah kegiatan perkuliahan dengan cara daring atau jarak jauh dari rumah. membutuhkan alat gadget dan internet buat menunjang kegiatannya

"Information regarding recommendations for the best Campus/Private College (PTS) in all regions of Indonesia with various choices of classes and favorite study programs."
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Online Lectures, Things Students Should Pay Attention to

Author: Online Lectures
09 Mar 2021

Online Lecture is a lecture system that utilizes internet access as a learning medium that is designed and displayed in the form of modules such as lectures, video recordings, audio and writing by the academy/university.

1. What is meant Online Lecture

2. How Much Does Online Tuition Cost

3. Campus / University Organizing Online Lectures

4. Regency / City Regions Organizing Online Lectures

5. How is the Online Lecture System

6. Benefits of Online Lecture

7. Tips for Undertaking Online Lectures

8. Conclusion

1. What is meant Online Lecture

After the activities have been carried out online, therefore at this time online lectures is no longer foreign to the ears of the Indonesian people. Before the Covid-19 outbreak, we all had to take part in teaching and learning activities directly / face to face. However, now everything can be done online from home.

Actually online lectures have existed since before this covid-19 outbreak, but only started to become popular in the past year. What exactly is online college? Online lectures or online learning are lectures activities online or remotely from home. Online lectures require gadgets and internet to support their activities.

Although this online college requires a lot of capital such as having to prepare a cellphone / laptop and an internet connection must be connected, over time, students and lecturers have gotten used to this kind of condition.

2. How Much Does Online Tuition Cost

With only bandwidth internet and gadgets such as smartphones and laptops, students can access the lessons delivered by the teacher/lecturer.

For fees, the average price of online tuition at each campus, institute, high school and university is around IDR 300,000 to IDR 700,000 per course for 1 month.

If it is calculated that students study up to 5 courses per semester (6 months) at a price of IDR 500 thousand, they will spend IDR 18.000.000,-

In conclusion, online tuition is cheaper than a regular campus which can take up more.

3. Campus / University Organizing Online Lectures

As discussed earlier, online college is not a new thing in Indonesia. It's just that online college is on the rise since the covid-19 pandemic. For students who have conflicting lectures schedules due to work in the office, there are already many campuses that provide online courses from the beginning of the college period until the pass. The following are recommendations for campuses that do hold online programs.

In Jakarta itself there is an Open University which has been known for a long time to provide services to students in the lecture online program, in addition there are:

  1. ITBU (Institut Teknologi Budi Utomo)
  2. UMJ (Universitas Muhammadiyah Jakarta)
  3. ISTA (Institut Sans dan Teknologi Al – Kamal)
  4. STIE IGI Jakarta (STIE International Golden Institute Jakarta)
  5. STIENI Jakarta (STIE Nasional Indonesia Jakarta)
  6. Mpu Tantular Jakarta Kedoya
  7. Universitas Krisnadwipayana Jakarta
  8. ITB Ahmad Dahlan Jakarta
  9. I-Tech Jakarta
  10. STIMA IMMI Jakarta
  11. STIE Ganesha Jakarta
  12. STMIK Muhammadyah Jakarta
  13. STIE Widya Persada Jakarta
  14. Universitas MH. Thamrin
  15. UTN Bogor
  16. Geo Nusantara Bogor
  17. STT Duta Bangsa Bekasi
  18. STIE Hidayatullah Depok
  19. UNTARA Cikokol & UNTARA Tigaraksa
  20. STT Yuppentek Tangerang

And there are many more campuses in Jakarta and outside Jakarta. These are only some of the campuses, besides that there are many campuses outside Jakarta and have good accreditation.

4. Regency / City Regions Organizing Online Lectures

In this modern era, many campuses have provided this employee class program. Most of these campuses are private universities. Among them are in the Jakarta area, including North Jakarta, West Jakarta, East Jakarta, and South Jakarta.

Apart from Jakarta, there are also areas in the province of West Java, including: Depok, Bogor, Bogor City, Sukabumi, Kuningan, Cirebon, Purwakarta, Bandung, Cileungsi, Subang, and Bekasi. Then in the province of East Java, there are areas: Surabaya, Banyuwangi, Malang, Kediri, and Pasuruan. Also in the Central Java area there are: Brebes, Semarang, Boyolali, Cilacap, and Surakarta. In addition, there are also Banten provinces in Tangerang City, North Sumatra Province in Medan City, Bali Province in Denpasar City, North Sulawesi Province in Manado City, Aceh Province in Banda Aceh and Langsa City, West Sumatra Province in Padang City, Lampung Province. in Bandar Lampung City, and East Kalimantan Province in Samarinda City.

5. How is the Online Lecture System

Online lectures is a distance learning system without the need for face-to-face learning. Usually lectures online use applications with internet access to be able to support the smooth learning system of this online lecture. Applications used in this lecture online, for example, include Google Classroom, Zoom, Google Meet, and so on.

In the learning system college online also requires internet access and supporting gadgets. Gadgets that can be used for online lectures are cellphones, laptops, i-pads, notebooks, and computers. You need to pay attention to fast internet access, too. So that later your college online goes without a hitch.

6. Benefits / Advantages of Online Lectures

Even so, there are quite a lot of benefits from this online course. Here are some examples of the benefits of having online lectures or online learning:

Online learning does not require you to come to campus and carry out teaching and learning activities. Online lectures can be run from anywhere, for example, at home. The online lecture activity also supports the physical distancing program required by the government and we must implement it since the pandemic outbreak hit the whole world, especially Indonesia.

For those of you who are already studying abroad and far from your parents, online college really helps you to continue to study in the city where you live. your stay. So, you can still feel the warmth of the family even while study, this is a rare moment and we can't feel it before the mandatory online college is not.

For employees who really want to take part in the college employee program, surely many of them want to join this program in order to be able to do this online lecture while still working . Online lectures can also be a very good solution for employee college programs.

If you have two activities study while working, you don't need to be afraid to feel difficult to manage time in taking this online college. Because online lectures has more flexible study time, of course, if the time is easier for you to manage than if you have to college face to face via study b>campus.

Since online lectures is mandatory for all universities, students underestimate online lectures. Even though online lectures and lectures face-to-face through campus are both the same activities. If students want to graduate quickly even though they are study online, they still have to be disciplined in managing your time.

In addition to making students more disciplined in managing their time, online lectures also demands that you become more independent. Because later it will not be easy to socialize with friends with one another, therefore we must be more independent in doing assignments and in participating in online lectures lessons as well.

One of the great benefits and we can feel through online lectures is that we don't have to spend money or fees to come to campus. Of course if you study online, you don't have to go to your campus and it may take time and money to get there.

In addition, for some students who have to migrate out of town or outside the island, this impact will definitely be felt for you, right? Because you don't need to go to a boarding house far away to do study activities. These students can also eat and enjoy time lecture online through their homes. This certainly helps parents not to spend more money, so of course they can save more.

Lecturing online is certainly more efficient and less time-consuming, isn't it. Compare if students come directly to the campus, have not been stuck in traffic in the middle of the road, or something unexpected can happen to the students. Of course, you will run out of time on the trip and can allow yourself to be late for lessons.

However, if you do an online lecture, this can minimize it all, because when you wake up early in the morning, students can immediately open their laptops and carry out their online lecture obligations.

7. Tips for Online Lectures to Stay Effective

Online lectures indeed make some people feel lazy to do it, because they feel the activity is lost and they think that online college = holiday. However, that's the wrong idea. Online lectures should be the same as college activities on campus, only the place to carry out teaching and learning activities is different. If students study on campus, they will have more activities on campus, whereas if study online they do this activity can go through the house.

Tentu suasana kampus dan rumah memang terasa berbeda, oleh sebab itu banyak dari mereka merasa kalau suasana kuliah ini masih libur. Bahkan menurut beberapa pengakuan mahasiswa, mereka lebih memilih kuliah tatap muka saja secara langsung melalui kampus mereka karena jika kalau kuliah online, tugas mereka semakin banyak. Buat para mahasiswa merasa malas dalam melakukan kuliah online, kami sudah rangkumkan beberapa tips untuk kalian agar tetap efektif walaupun sedang menjalankan kuliah online.

The number of activities at home makes students forget that they still have an obligation to study online. Therefore, as a student, you must be smart in managing your lecture schedule with other activity schedules.

In addition, these students can also create reminders using alarms on their cellphones if needed, because who knows this can help you remember the online schedule you want to do on that day. For those of you who have plans to set this alarm, you can set it 10 minutes earlier before the lecture starts!

Why does it have to be 10 minutes earlier? Because if you make the alarm close to the original schedule, it will definitely run out! Not to mention that you definitely need time to tidy up, right? Therefore, with 10 minutes you can prepare your needs in advance.

Another tip for you is that you should not procrastinate in doing all the assignments given by the lecturer on that day. Get rid of this habit because otherwise it will be difficult for you in the future. If you pile on these tasks, they multiply and multiply! Don't believe it yet? Try doing this habit just once if you don't mind.

If the task has piled up, you will definitely feel confused about which task to do first. Especially if the deadline for the task is almost close. It sure makes you confused, right! Therefore, get rid of the habit of delaying completing assignments from your lecturer!

This also affects the mood of these students in carrying out online lectures. If the place you use doesn't make you comfortable in doing online lectures, many of the students feel lazy to take online lectures. Students will feel bored for sure, especially when coupled with the atmosphere to complete this online lecture, it does not support it.

Therefore, as much as possible look for a place that can make you comfortable in carrying out online lectures, maybe you can use your own room too. So that later you won't be disturbed by other people, you can just lock the room so you can focus more, right? But remember! Don't even lie down in your room and don't do online lectures!

Those of you who take online lectures don't just want to make a deposit and be absent! And also have to be more active in learning. Check out the material that has been taught by your lecturer in the online lecture. If there are still some materials that you don't understand, don't be shy to ask your matkul lecturer. There is a saying that if you are ashamed to ask, you will go astray on the road.

In addition, you must have high concentration so that you understand what material is explained by your lecturer. Usually for students who do online lectures, your body does indeed follow the online lectures, but admit that there must be many students carrying out online lectures activities. b> that while completing other work right? So it will not focus later!

Many underestimate the role of notebooks in carrying out this online lecture activity. Even though it is very important for you to note that many important points have been conveyed by the lecturer during the material. Because when lectures online, it is certain that the interaction between lecturers and students is not as much as lectures face-to-face on campus.

Therefore, students need to concentrate and note the important points of the material that has been delivered. Taking notes on important things like this will certainly make it easier for you later on in the exam. Because of the limited availability of books, students can only rely on notes that have been made so far, right?

If indeed there are still points that are not understood, also don't hesitate to ask the lecturer too during the question and answer session, yes! Or if you really don't have enough time to ask this, try trying to google the question for further explanation.

The students who are carrying out online lectures are indeed not as tired as lectures face to face on campus in terms of energy, but of course you also have to take care of your health, right. Increase your intake of vitamin C in a pandemic like this. Because vitamin C can help you not to be easily attacked by disease.

In addition, they also need to exercise in the morning to keep their bodies fit, moving their bodies even for a while can make you refreshed. Don't forget about your food intake too! Eat 4 healthy 5 perfect. So that you stay healthy.

Also avoid sleeping late at night, because this is not good for the health of your eyes and organs! If you stay up late for unimportant things, your body will get tired quickly later. It's okay to stay up late every now and then to do your campus or office assignments, as long as you don't do it too often!

8. Conclusion

Those are some recommendations for campus online courses programs in Jakarta and of course, students who want to do online lectures can visit. Don't forget to follow some of the tips above because they are really important to help you stay effective when taking online lectures during the pandemic, of course. Hopefully the covid-19 pandemic will take effect quickly so that we can all do more activities from outside the home. Because many students feel bored running online lectures. Hopefully the campus can be reopened and students can study through their own campus.


For online lecture programs, eduNitas has collaborated with campus/PTS partners spread throughout Indonesia. You can find it by clicking the button below.

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